Are you tired of ‘consultants’ coming in and saying: “We’ve got an idea that will help you. It will only cost seventeen times your average profit and it’ll confuse the hell out of you.” We get it. That’s why we made the BizFerret solution simple, turnkey and reasonably priced. Also, instead of charging you the full amount, all-at-once, we’ve broken the payment into 12 monthly installments.
Unlike other survey methodologies or feedback mechanisms (ie. Yelp! and other social media review sites) that give you a misleading snapshot into the business, BizFerret allows owners to track on a continuous basis how his/her product and/or service is stacking up to their own standards and competitors.
A snap shot can be very deceiving. Even having two snapshots in time can hide the truly important information that occurred between the two data points. Our continuous surveying enables you to determine whether something is just “noise” or whether it’s a trend. We help you acquire customer happiness information on a consistent basis so you can understand not just that your business has gone up or down , but why.
Also, unlike do-it-yourself surveys, we don’t just give you a bunch of data without any context. We compare your results to your key competitors and to norms and benchmarks created from other research studies. This ensures you won’t get confused by the data or mislead yourself. Plus, we’ll provide you with our proprietary “Fanbassadors Score™” that offers the best indication on the long-term health of your business. Lastly, if you want, we can provide you with our insights, direction and recommendation on how to use the information; albeit for an incremental monthly fee. Hey, we can’t give away the farm for such a low price per month.